Why Q MINDshare - Count 5

Q’s adaptive reinforcement and measurement fill critical gaps in status quo workforce training and communications.

Why use Q?

Would workforce performance improve…

  • …if you continuously measured knowledge retention to identify gaps, risks and opportunities?
  • …if you had a reinforcement strategy that adapts to each employee until knowledge gaps are closed?
  • …if employees remembered 50% more training than they do today?
  • …if you could quickly validate employee understanding of time-sensitive changes to process, product, messaging and regulations?

If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, you should consider saying YES to q.MINDshare.

Employee learning variance creates inconsistent job performance. Q provides the frequency of learner engagement combined with the adaptive individualized support required to improve consistency of what employees need to say, do and know. And it does this all in just 5-10 minutes per week!

Why not just use your LMS or KMS?

If you could deliver these capabilities using your LMS or KMS, you would be doing it already. Q complements the LMS/KMS by filling gaps in status quo delivery tactics.

Here’s why Q is different:

  • Q is prescriptive. Q is not a portal. Q is a proactive content delivery system. This lets you schedule and prioritize what content goes to what users on what days.
  • Q is always on. Whether employees are on their smart phone, PC or tablet, Q is always on and ready to deliver important content without requiring a login each time.
  • Q is proactive. Employees do not have to check Q for new content because Q is not a portal. Q tells them when to look at content, using its noise-free alerts to deliver the right content, to the right employee on the right device – every time.
  • Q is adaptive. Q adapts to the needs of each individual by providing reinforcement, repetition and feedback based on identified learning gaps.
  • Q is insightful. Q continuously measures learning gaps and improvement trends by user, by team, by role, by region so you know what’s working and what needs more attention before it’s too late.
  • Q is easy. The benefits of spaced repetition, adaptive reinforcement and continuous measurement are well documented, but realizing those benefits is very resource intensive. Q does all the heavy lifting for you, making it the easiest and most cost-effective solution on the market.

Q improves learning retention and accuracy to over 90 percent, meaning your sales and service reps will consistently and confidently say and do the right things at the right time while on calls! With Q, this is your new reality. Imagine your results now.

About q.MINDshare

Why q.MINDshare?

How Q Works

Click Here to Watch the q Overview

“I can honestly say I have never seen anything like Q before. I would have loved to have had this when we launched our service in 1996. Q fits in the MUST HAVE Category.”

Rodney Johnson, Vice President, Sales
Southern Company

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Than Ever Before.

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